私は入管業務専門の行政書士です。I am an immigration service specialist.
・在留資格認定証明書 ・在留資格変更許可申請 ・在留資格更新許可申請 などをお求めの方。 就労就学に基づくもの、身分地位に基づくものでも、ぜひ一度、私にご相談くださいませ。 私には、他の行政書士と違ったポイントがあります。それは、主に下記の3つです。
I am not like other administrative scriveners..
Please look down. There are three original main points!

ユニークな仕事経験 A unique experience
I have experience working for a 「supervisory organization」.We work hard every day in cooperation with our overseas staff to support the lives of people in Asia.

海外へ行った経験 Experience of going abroad
Although it was for short stays, I have been to Guam, South Korea, various cities in Italy, New York, Bangkok, Hanoi, and Jakarta.

VISA以外でも役に立てるかもしれない。I thought he might be useful for you other than VISA.
I will definitely listen to your past, present and future. My interactions and knowledge of the law.
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